Use "felt discouraged|feel discourage" in a sentence

1. I had never felt so discouraged in my life.

2. I felt very discouraged , when he threw clod water on my idal.

3. We may feel overwhelmed, incapable, and may become discouraged, even depressed.

4. Lord Rahl felt that occupying the town might discourage the Seeker from returning.

5. The preaching work kept me busy, but there were times when I felt discouraged.

6. On the days that we feel discouraged, we express our feelings to Jehovah in prayer.

7. They feel empathy for what he felt.

8. I am to be in Shanghai, often feel how pectoral frowsty be discouraged a responsibility recently?

9. Many people are disheartened, depressed, discouraged, and they feel helpless in the face of mounting problems.

10. 16 Some, though, may feel discouraged because deliverance has not come as soon as they had hoped.

11. Because the path is steep and sometimes rocky, they will at times feel discouraged and even stumble.

12. People may not accept the Bible literature he offers them, and he may be inclined to feel discouraged.

13. This discouraged us.

14. Certainly, voluntary anonymised seroprevalence studies are discouraged because it is felt that even a 5% refusal rate may invalidate the results.

15. They had never felt turmoil, so they could not feel peace.

16. Hey, don't get discouraged

17. Parents should discourage smoking.

18. In pursuit of romantic love, men may feel discouraged from pursuits that are stereotypically "female" -- those that involve being nurturing and communal.

19. Do Not Become Discouraged

20. You are gonna see everything she saw... and feel what she felt.

21. Low prices discourage industry.

22. They should be discouraged.

23. Father discourage the expression of enthusiasm.

24. Don't let one failure discourage you.

25. Hatairat feel very angry but Anawat felt satisfied that he can overcome her.

26. Smoking is Actively discouraged i

27. Rather, they often discourage it.

28. The school teachers discourage smoking.

29. Never be discouraged with life.

30. Don't be discouraged at failure.

31. But do not be discouraged.

32. Crosstalk is discouraged during our meetings

33. Crestfallen definition, dejected; dispirited; discouraged

34. Don't discourage her; she's doing her best.

35. The overcritical teacher can discourage originality.

36. What factors should not discourage us?

37. We discourage smoking in this school.

38. I don't want to discourage it.

39. Regular watering will also discourage them.

40. Should ridicule or opposition discourage us?

41. She discouraged me from undertaking the work.

42. Children are easily discouraged from reading.

43. She was discouraged in her marriage.

44. He is never discouraged by difficulties.

45. We need tougher penalties to discourage miscreants.

46. We tried to discourage him from resigning.

47. ignore those who try to discourage you .

48. He was bankrupt, discouraged, and worn out."

49. The rain discouraged us from going out.

50. service cuts are felt more keenly by those on lower incomes who may already feel disenfranchised.

51. Britain approved of it because London felt that there was need for a stable, peaceful power in central Europe that could discourage aggressive moves by France or Russia.

52. No, I wouldn't let that discourage you.

53. Parents should discourage their children from smoking.

54. Do free bed nets discourage future purchase?

55. She was never discouraged in her enterprise.

56. When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost,

57. Rumours of ballot-rigging discouraged many from voting.

58. Telling “a story like that” would only discourage others.

59. They want to discourage pay settlements over the norm.

60. Far from being discouraged, he actually bore down.

61. 19 She was never discouraged in her enterprise.

62. A reunion of the discouraged(, dispossessed.

63. Many early investigators were discouraged by reproducible results.

64. When we are weary, weak, or discouraged,

65. Smoking is actively discouraged in the university.

66. A reunion of the discouraged, dispossessed.

67. Try to discourage such familiarities from your subordinates.

68. What I wish to do is make every Parkinson's patient feel like my uncle felt that day.

69. Some began to feel blisters forming, and others felt knees starting to protest, but they kept going.

70. You should not let one failure discourage you.

71. Don't let one failure discourage you, try again.

72. A culture of Absenteeism must be actively discouraged

73. Still, as noted before, Jeremiah later became discouraged.

74. The airlines use stronger language to discourage them.

75. Discourage the use of family members as Chaperones

76. These encourage investigation and discourage sluggishness and Bedazement

77. Do you quickly take offense or get discouraged?

78. Even sport hunting guides discouraged shooting these birds.

79. She was determined not to be too discouraged.

80. Union activity was officially tolerated but strongly discouraged.